Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Loss of the Creature

The author discusses how individuals pursue these rich and fulfilling experiences that are prefabricated by other people whom originally had the experience. In an attempt to emulate the original experience, the tourist goes through the motions of showing up at a destination to mindlessly snap a photograph, missing the whole experience other than in hindsight, for the sole purpose of saying look where I was and look what I did, forgetting that the point of experiencing anything whatsoever is to actually experience it and not merely go through the motions for a sense of social validation, proving how horribly shallow and sheep like the compulsive herd mentality of humans in general is: disingenuous, ghastly, offensive, and disgusting. Further, it is a testimony to how people need validation for everything that they do with the photograph, teeshirt, or bumper sticker to serve as witness of their synthesized accomplishment within their almost experience in commercially purchased packages of pseudo reality, the best money could buy, though it would be cheaper to just sit at home on the couch and channel surf the travel channels and record favorite spots in high definition. Just another prepackaged commodity for a TV dinner generation.

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