Sunday, May 10, 2009

Three More Ads

Found this at It's an Australia ad to fight against rust on your car. The crocodile shows the fierceness of rust and inspires fear. The sheer size of it over powering the car is intimidating, but the ad suggests that the government even uses the product to inspire a sense of security, and if you like your government then this ad can be quite effective because you will believe that you are making a smart and prudent choice. After all, who wants a big, old crocodile dragon eating their car?

This ad, found at , plays on innocence, sympathy, and is basically saying don't be a sissy. The image of the little girl clutching the teddy bear, with her deadpan stare into the middle distance, is basically saying that she has come to terms with her own mortality, a case which many people, even adults haven't come to terms with yet. It is also saying that by making your children organ donors, they will be closer to you. It is also telling kids that this is a good idea, tell mom and dad. Kind of makes you want to give a kidney right now, doesn't it?

This one I found at This ad is showing a few things. One, that Absolute vodka has become a household name, and we all get that that is absolute vodka. The other message is very sinister. You have police with a chalk outline of where the empty vessel once was. In other words saying, who killed the bottle of vodka, we need to investigate this. This is a serious matter. It is also saying that this product is important enough to be concerned when it is gone. The ad is also saying life is short, that might be me with my outline there someday. I'd better have a drink.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Advertisement Gallery Comment

This gallery at features a Bacardi alcoholic beverage ad. The scene is a bar that's crowded, with a man sitting at the bar, checking out a woman's reflection in his glass who is standing behind him, as she is checking him out in the mirror in front of him. This ad is pretty straight forward, sending a few of messages. As the man looks sophisticated, it is suggesting that sly and slick people drink Bacardi. The other message is: ladies like a guy who drinks Bacardi. And of course, it's saying that it is a social thing. So, if you want to be a sly, slick, dapper dude that gets the foxy ladies, then drink Bacardi.


I found this ad on, which shows axe advertisements that you would find on television, the web, magazines, and in newspapers. The focus of the Axe bullet deodorant spray shows many things. First, the small size of the container shows portability- it fits in your pocket. Next, it appeals to the average guy by the contents in the pockets, now displayed in the airline check bin. Though some of the contents are quite suggestive, starting with personal effects. He has very little change, a quarter and a penny showing, but out of his simple, black wallet, which shows sophistication, two bills are hinted at, though you cannot see the denomination, so you know he's not broke. Next, a fairly modern, and styled ring, that gives you the impression that he's a pretty hip guy, and a watch with a simple black leather band, and a bit of styling on the face that is mostly covered. Next, a ring of keys with what looks like a post office box key most prevalent, which suggests a need to be anonymous, possibly. And finally, the sex appeal. Three different artifacts acquired at the airport with three different girls' names and information. You can definitely trace his journey from his arrival to the airport. The first is an airline parking pass with Kate's number on it, next is a baggage claim ticket with "text me when you get back" from Tara, and then finally his airline ticket with a "come by gate number 14D" from Dawn. So just driving up to an airport and the three places ou go to an airport right away, he's got three different hook ups. I would say its not a pretty far stretch to think that the advertisers are stressing that you would be more desirable if you use their product. They are also stressing that this product will raise your self esteem, while preying on insecurity to get guys to buy the product. Wow, it comes in a spray bottle and fits in the pocket. Cool.